Welcome Back to School

The year is officially off to a great start! We have such a fun group of kiddos that really love to learn together. Over the past two weeks we really focused on the classroom community. We discussed what is expected and consistency. The friendships have already started forming and I am so excited to see what this group can do! In case you missed it, we FOUND A CATERPILLAR! Our new little friend took over our plans for the week, so for those of you anxiously awaiting the results of “Will it Melt?” you will have to wait until next week. Our caterpillar transformed into the next stage and became a chrysalis! The kiddos were so interested so we used our AppleTV to watch several life cycle videos and we threw in The Very Hungry Caterpillar for fun!. We wrapped up creation so keep an eye out for the creation circles activity on the Dojo.

Next week is SHARK WEEK! It is one of my favorite weeks, right up there with dinosaurs. Expect to see gluing and coloring activities, a really cool shark experiment and lots of fun facts! Our bible story focus for this week will be “Jesus Loves the Chilrdren”. We will also be discussing diversity in the form of loving every child the same, just as Jesus does. Keep checking Facebook for updates, I know there are several families not using facebook so if you are not seeing enough picutres on the Dojo, just let me know, I am making a list of those that need to see more there!

Check the photo tab for all the photos so far!

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